J. L. Boone, Ph.D., Ecology
Small Mammal Trapping:

Archbold Biological Station, Highlands County, Florida

12-13 July 1991

Project Completion Report

Jim Boone, Joshua Laerm, and Kevin Roe
University of Georgia Museum of Natural History, Athens, GA 30302

On the nights of 12 and 13 July 1991, 55 cotton mice (Peromyscus gossypinus), 2 Florida mice (P. floridanus), 13 cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus), 5 golden mice (Ochrotomys nuttali), 1 black rat (Rattus rattus), and 1 shrew (Blarina sp.) were captured on the Biological Station under Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission permit number WX 91-120. No other animals were captured. Released specimens included all Sigmodon, all Ochrotomys, all P. floridanus, and 2 P. gossypinus (tagged). One tagged dead P. gossypinus was left at the station. All other specimens will be housed at the Univeristy of Georgia Museum of Natural History.

Information on trap sites is provided in Fig. 1 and Table 1, and information on 34 P. gossypinus which will be used in electrophoretic studies is provided in Table 2. These 34 and the remaining P. gossypinus will be used in morphological studies, and data from the other mice can be provided later.

Table 1. Trap locations, trap effort, and number of captures.


Location  # traps   # traps  Peromyscus Peromyscus Sigmodon Ochrotomys Rattus Blarina
          12JUL91   13JUL91  gossypinus floridanus hispidus  nuttali   rattus   sp   
site 1      40          65        2          1         1        1     1
site 2      75         100       14                                             1
site 3     100         175       10                    4        3
site 4      75          75        6                    3        1
site 5      75          75        7          1         1
site 6      75          75       11                    3
site 7       0          10        1                    1
site 8       0          50        4

total:     440         625       55          2        13        5     1         1
grand totals:         1065       77
overall trap success rate: 7.23% 

Table 2. Data from cotton mice.

Jim            Location         Sex     Age     Weight  Reproductive      Parasites
Boone #                                          (g)     Condition          
JB 1795     Fire tower area      F     Adult     28.7     nonactive  fresh bot scar
JB 1796     Fire tower area      F     Adult     20.1     nonactive  heart worms
JB 1797     Fire tower area      M     Adult     31.6     scrotal
JB 1798     Fire tower area      M     Adult     29.2     scrotal
JB 1799     Fire tower area      F     Adult     19.3     nonactive
JB 1800     Fire tower area      M     Adult     28.3     scrotal
JB 1801     Fire tower area      M     Adult     22.0     nonactive
JB 1802     Fire tower area      F     Adult     27.8     mammae
JB 1803     Fire tower area      M     Adult     23.8     nonactive
JB 1804     Fire tower area      M     Adult     25.8     scrotal    tiny tick, liver cestode
JB 1805     Fire tower area      F     Adult     22.6     mammae
JB 1806     Fire tower area      M     Adult     23.1     nonactive
JB 1807     Fire tower area      M     Adult     25.2     scrotal
JB 1808     Fire tower area      F     Adult     20.1     nonactive  liver cestode, flea
JB 1809     Fire tower area      M     Adult     23.6     scrotal
JB 1810     Fire tower area      M     Adult     25.6     scrotal
JB 1811     Fire tower area      M     Adult     22.6     scrotal
JB 1812     N bndy E of Hwy      M     Adult     21.8     nonactive  tiny tick in ear
JB 1813     N bndy E of Hwy      M     Adult     23.8     nonactive
JB 1814     N bndy E of Hwy      F     Adult     24.1     mammae
JB 1815     N bndy E of Hwy      F     Adult     19.0     nonactive
JB 1816     N bndy E of Hwy      M     Adult     21.5     nonactive  flea
JB 1817     N bndy E of Hwy      F     Adult     23.7     mammae
JB 1818     N bndy E of Hwy      M     Adult     26.9     nonactive
JB 1819     N bndy E of Hwy      F     Adult     21.1     nonactive  small bot
JB 1820     N bndy E of Hwy      F     Adult     20.0     nonactive
JB 1821     N bndy E of Hwy      M     Adult     27.9     scrotal
JB 1822     N bndy E of Hwy      M     Adult     25.2     nonactive
JB 1823     Fire tower area      M     Adult     27.8     nonactive  bot scar
JB 1824     Fire tower area      F     Adult     36.4     mammae
JB 1825     Fire tower area      M     Adult     32.7     scrotal
JB 1826     Fire tower area      M     Adult     19.9     scrotal
JB 1827     Fire tower area      F     Juvenile  12.6     nonactive
JB 1828     Fire tower area      M     Adult     31.8     scrotal
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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