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Patagonia Area Birding - Roadside Rest Area
Birding Around Las Vegas, Favorite Places Far Away
Patagonia Area Birding
Elegant Trogon


The Roadside Rest is an old roadside rest area on Highway 82 adjacent to Sonoita Creek. The paved loop provides off-highway birding in the narrow canyon, but the best birding is across the road on the east end. This place provides easy viewing into dense riparian areas where Rose-throated Becards nest. Sonoita Creek, which is behind a fence, is on private land and closed to public access. Rocky and densely vegetated hillsides above the creek provide habitat for desert species. Many rare and unusual birds have been seen here. Cross the highway carefully. The Roadside Rest also holds the historic markers and the Telles Family Shrine, an interesting cultural site. Cross the highway carefully.

Link to Maps.

Roadside Rest Area
East exit from Rest Area


The Rest Area is 4.2 miles south of Patagonia on the south side of State Highway 82.


Always open.

Roadside Rest Area
Trail outside fence along creek



For More Information

Visit the Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory's Birding Guide.

Roadside Rest Area
Old highway - now a rest area
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area
Old highway - now a rest area
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area
Picnic table in rest area
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area
East exit from Rest Area onto main highway (view NE)
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area
Main highway and creek with trees beyond
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area
Main highway and creek with trees beyond
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area
Please respect private property
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area
Birder's trail outside of fence (view E)
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area
Rest area with historic marker and shrine
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area
Historic marker: John Ward's Ranch
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area
Telles Family Shrine marker
Roadside Rest Area
Telles Family Shrine
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area
Telles Family Shrine exterior
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area
Liz at door of Telles Family Shrine
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area
Inside Telles Family Shrine
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area
Inside Telles Family Shrine

Happy birding!Happy birding! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240416

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