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Birding Around Paradise: George Walker House
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George Walker House
George Walker House
Sign in the front yard (view W)


Hidden away in the town of Paradise, Arizona, is the George Walker House - a B&B that not only provides a nice place to stay, but it also invites birders into the yard to watch the feeders. Located at about 5,500-feet elevation in the Chiricahua Mountains, this site offers bird species not often seen in the nearby, but lower elevation, birding mecca of Portal, AZ (4,800-ft elevation).

Departing Portal westbound, the Portal Road forks. Paradise Road forks right and leads up into the mountains. Winding up for about 5 miles on a somewhat rocky road, the road passes the Paradise Cemetery and reaches a T-intersection with a stop sign. Turn left onto S Turkey Creek Road and drive south about 0.4 miles. If not paying attention to the mileage, drivers will reach George Walker Road, on the right, at about 0.2 miles out. This is not the right road -- continue straight for another 0.2 miles to George Walker Lane. There are lots of signs for the George Walker House. Turn right onto George Walker Lane and drive up the steep driveway to the George Walker House (2228 W George Walker Ln).

The George Walker House

Jackie, the lady of the house, is friendly and an excellent birder who provides running commentary on the birds in her yard. Wes sometimes takes over for Jackie. Two dogs live there, but if you are friendly, so are they. Often booked solid during birding seasons, the B&B rates are surprisingly low.

Look for lower- and mid-elevation specialties and even Juniper Titmouse and Arizona Woodpecker in the yard. Also keep an eye out for various hummingbirds (including Black-chinned Hummingbird, Blue-throated Mountain-gem, Rivoli's Hummingbird), Turkey Vulture, Cooper's Hawk, Inca Dove, White-winged Dove, Mourning Dove, Acorn Woodpecker, Steller's Jay, Mexican Jay, White-breasted Nuthatch, Scott's Oriole, House Finch, and Pine Siskin.

For more information, click George Walked House.

Link to Portal Area Map.

Portal Road ends at a fork; Paradise Road stays right (view W)

Paradise Road (view W from Portal Road)

Paradise Road bends right (view W)

Paradise Road bends right and crosses a cattle guard (view W)

Pavement on Paradise Road quickly ends (view NW)

Dirt Paradise Road winding into the mountains (view S)

Stopping to remove a Patchnose Snake from roadway (view NW)

Dirt Paradise Road (view W)

Dirt Paradise Road (view NW)

Paradise Road ends at T-intersection with Turkey Creek Road (view W)

Paradise Road at S Turkey Creek Road (view W)

Sign (enlarged inset) and mailboxes at T-intersection

Wrong Road: S Turkey Creek Road at W Walker Lane (view S)

Wrong Road: Signs: S Turkey Creek Road at W Walker Lane (view S)

Sign across road from W Walker Ave (don't bother the landowner)

Sign across road from W Walker Ave (don't bother the landowner)

Turkey Creek Rd passes historical stone and adobe cabin (view SW)

Turkey Creek Road approaching W George Walker Lane (view S)

Sign in yard of George Walker House (view SW)

Turkey Creek Road at W George Walker Lane (view S)

Signs: Turkey Creek Road and W George Walker Lane (view SW)

George Walker Lane (view NW from Turkey Creek Road)

George Walker Lane approaching George Walker House (view NW)

George Walker Lane passing Day-Birder parking (view N)

Day-Birder parking (view N)

George Walker Lane at George Walker House (view NW)

Birders should approach through the front gate (view NW)

Front porch of the George Walker House (view NW)

Be sure to drop a $5 bill in the Sugar Jar

George Walker bird feeders (view SW)

George Walker bird feeders (view WSW)

George Walker bird feeders (view W)

Black-chinned Hummingbirds on a nectar feeder

Arizona Woodpecker
George Walker House
Blue-throated Mountain-gem on a nectar feeder
George Walker House
Rivoli's Hummingbird on a nectar feeder

Wild Turkeys in the yard

It's nice that humans put the bird seed at the right height
George Walker House
A local celebrity: Juniper Titmouse
George Walker House
Scott's Oriole, male
George Walker House
Scott's Oriole, female, with lip-smacking good jelly
George Walker House
Cliff Chipmunk looking for left-overs

Happy birding! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240608

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