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Glossary -- Cattle Guard

Cattle Guard - A cattle guard is a structure placed in a roadway that prevents cows from walking through a gap in a fence while allowing vehicles to pass through. Cattle guards are constructed by digging a ditch across the road, then spanning the ditch, long ways, with metal beams. Vehicles can cross the cattle guard, but cows are naturally afraid of getting their feet caught in things, so they won't cross. On paved roads, sometimes white lines are painted on the road, simulating a cattle guard, that also prevents cows from crossing. Having a cattle guard eliminates the need for a gate, which is a pain to open and close every time, and also prevents problems when gates are left open.

Cattle guards can also become small-animal traps. If small animals try to cross a cattle guard, they can fall in and become trapped. As such, cattle guards should be built with some kind of exit, usually a dirt ramp out the ends of the cattle guard where it comes up under the fence. In desert tortoise habitat, escapable cattle guards usually are required on federally funded projects. Alas, this is not always the case.

Cattle Guard Cattle Guard
Cattle Guard Cattle Guard
Cattle Guard Cattle Guard
Cattle Guard Cattle Guard
Cattle Guard Cattle Guard
Cattle Guard Cattle Guard
cattle guard
Cattle guards in desert tortoise habitat should have escape routes
cattle guard
Unfortunately, this cattle guard in desert tortoise habit no escape
cattle guard
Cattle guards in desert tortoise habitat should have escape routes
cattle guard
Unfortunately, this cattle guard in desert tortoise habit no escape

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